


Most patients/people will have cramping. It is usually from blood clots that need to pass. The uterus is a muscle that tries to push the blood and clots out to remove them. Once the clots have passed the cramps will usually disappear. Light activity will help to minimize or clear out clots. For the rest of the day of the procedure make sure you are moving around at least once every hour. If you sit or rest too long (e.g. a long car ride), you can increase the cramping and bleeding.

Try light activity such as walking or using stairs, then lift your knees up to your chest to try and pass the clots. You can also use a hot water bottle or heating pad or hot shower. Cramping that is uncomfortable can be helped with Tylenol Extra Strength or Advil (just follow package directions). You should not need anything stronger than this. If you do, please call us.