


You may experience heavy to no bleeding at all for up to 4 weeks after your procedure. The bleeding varies from person to person. Cramping is uncomfortable and can be eased with Tylenol or Advil (follow package directions). It usually eases within a couple of hours. If you do not notice any improvements in 2 hours, phone us.

  • Often between days 4-6 post-op you may pass blackish clots and have increased cramping.
  • Call us if you are soaking 3 maxi pads in 1 hour or 1 pad every hour for 3 hours in a row.
  • You can expect your period in the next 4 to 8 weeks, if you do not get a period do a pregnancy test and call the clinic if positive.

Drinking alcohol, lifting heavy objects, using Aspirin or marijuana can cause slightly heavier bleeding.